How Tuckpointing Can Save Your Fireplace

Fireplaces and chimneys give a home warmth in both the physical sense as well as in ambiance.  Everyone loves the feel of a cozy warm fireplace on cold winter’s night but if yours is old and falling apart and you worry about the high cost of replacing it so you don’t use it anymore, you’re missing out for nothing.  It’s more than likely that tuckpointing can help and for a lot less than replacement.

What Is Tuckpointing?

Tuckpointing is a process for repairing deteriorating mortar by removing the old, damaged mortar and replacing it with fresh, new mortar.  The mortar is removed using a grinder and replaced with mortar that is the color of the brick and grooves are cut into the new mortar and they are filled with matching mortar.  Tuckpointing can be done in a small area or a complete fireplace or chimney.  It not only gets rid of the deteriorating mortar before it affects the integrity of the chimney, but it also makes it look refreshed and renewed.  

How Tuckpointing Can Save Your Chimney

While bricks can last a hundred years or more, mortar does not.  Over time, it deteriorates from wind, rain, and sun and when the mortar starts to crumble, your chimney may begin to lean and may even collapse.  Or it could cause cracks where water can leak in and damage your home’s interior and lead to mold or wood rot.  However, as long as your chimney isn’t too far gone, tuckpointing can be used to replace the mortar, stopping the corrosion, and restore the integrity of the structure.  After tuckpointing has been performed on your chimney or fireplace, you’ll not only be able to enjoy its warmth again, but it’ll also increase the value of your home.

Tuckpointing is much less expensive than an entire chimney rebuild, and with your chimney restored, there will be less heat loss, saving you money in heating costs too.  

What To Look For

You may not realize that your chimney is in need of repair because so much of it is unseen and most of what you can see is high on your roof.  What you can see may still look good.  If you see stain on the paint or wallpaper around the chimney, there’s a good chance your chimney is leaking and moisture is getting in through damaged areas.  If you see areas where the mortar is crumbling, cracked bricks, musty odors after it rains, or discoloration of bricks, you’re probably experiencing some kind of leak inside the chimney.  If a leak in your chimney is ignored, you could face repair costs that go beyond a chimney. 

We Can Help  

Marlon Tuckpointing does chimney repair and can find and fix your leak, quickly and efficiently.  We provide tuckpointing and masonry services to the St. Louis area including complete and spot tuckpointing services as well as chimney repairs, caulking, waterproofing, brickwork, and repairs to chimney caps and flashing.  For questions or a free estimate call Marlon Tuckpointing LLC at (314) 496-9067. 

Cracked Mortar: Why You Shouldn’t Ignore It

Bricks can last hundreds of years.  The mortar between them? Not so much.  In fact, mortar generally has a life of around 30 years.  Over time, the harsh weather and elements take their toll on mortar, leaving it cracked and deteriorating.  They’re unsightly for sure, but cracks in your mortar can result in more than just lowered curb appeal. Cracks in mortar can let water get in.  If water gets through the cracks, mortar will deteriorate more quickly, water will get into your walls and you could find yourself dealing with an expensive mold removal bill.  When the water freezes during the colder months, it expands causing further damage to the chimney or brick walls. Heat can also escape through these cracks affecting the efficiency of your heating.    

Mortar contributes to the stability of your chimney and walls.  If the deterioration is ignored, it can lead to an all-out collapse.

If you’ve got a newer house and you think you don’t have to worry about your mortar cracking for years to come, think again.  Sometimes cracking happens in mortar in newer homes when cheaper materials were used in their construction especially prefabricated homes.

Time for Tuckpointing

Obviously, dismantling the chimney or wall for a complete rebuild would be extremely expensive.  That’s why most people opt for tuckpointing instead. Tuckpointing involves removing the old, damaged mortar and replacing it with fresh, new mortar.  The mortar is removed using a grinder and replaced with mortar that is the color of the brick. Grooves are cut into the new mortar and they are filled with mortar that matches the original mortar color.  Tuckpointing can be done in a small area or a complete wall or entire chimney.  

Tuckpointing keeps the water out and prevents further corrosion to the existing mortar.  It also restores the structural integrity of the chimney itself so you don’t have to worry about a collapse later on down the line.

Some people use tuckpointing as a way to renew their chimney and brickwork.  It can be used for cosmetic purposes to make the chimney or siding look refreshed and new and increase curb appeal and the value of the home.  Doing a complete tuckpointing of an exterior wall can make it look completely restored and refreshed.

Tuckpointing is a cost-effective way to repair ugly damage to brickwork but it can’t be done at any time.  If not caught in time, the damage to the structural integrity of the walls or chimney will be too great to be repaired in this way safely.

If your brickwork has seen better days, call Marlon Tuckpointing.  Whether you have an old chimney that needs to be repaired or your brick-sided home is showing signs of mortar deterioration, Marlon Tuckpointing is ready to help.   We provide complete and spot tuckpointing services as well as chimney repairs, caulking, waterproofing, brickwork, and repairs to chimney caps and flashing. For questions or a free estimate call Marlon Tuckpointing LLC at (314)496-9067.  

Understanding the Tuckpointing Process

If you have exterior brick, or even interior brick, that has aging mortar, and someone has recommended tuckpointing to you, then understanding that process will help you determine if it is right for your situation. Tuckpointing is the process of removing and replacing aging mortar with fresh mortar that is decorated with mortar of contrasting colors to give a specific appearance to the new joint.

Tuckpointing is easier to understand when you understand the terminology that professionals use when they talk about this subject with you.

·         Pointing

This is the term used to say that mortar joints were filled with mortar. Pointing also refers to filling the spaces between bricks with mortar when you are building a wall or a chimney.

·         Repointing

This means that the old mortar, that is probably deteriorating, is being removed and replaced with fresh mortar.

·         Tuckpointing

Tuckpointing replaces old mortar like repointing does, but with a little something extra. When tuckpointing the professional will use mortar that is very close to the color of the bricks you have in place. In the center of the mortar joint they will use a contrasting color of putty to create unique “fillets” that run the length of the mortar joint.

When tuckpointing you have to carefully remove all of the aging mortar. You will work in sections that are about 3’ x 5’. You can use a cold chisel to help you remove the aging mortar. You need to work the mortar out leaving about ½” of space. A whisk broom can be used to brush the accumulated dust out of the crevice you are creating.

Once the mortar has been chiseled away the bricks need to be thoroughly wet using a water hose. By wetting the bricks you allow them to re-moisturize so they will not funnel the moisture out of the new mortar when you install it. You need to give the wet bricks about 24 hours to rest and absorb the water before you move on to the next step.

You will mix small batches of the new mortar and place it into the crevices you created. The mortar should be as close to the color of the bricks as possible. Your goal is to create mortar joints that are so close to the brick color that they have to be studied to see where brick stops and mortar begins. You can use common Portland cement mortar to make the new mortar for your masonry work. If the bricks you are tuckpointing are older than fifty years then you need to use a lime and sand mortar combination. Old bricks can actually be damaged by the Portland mortar as it dries.

You just use a large trowel to work the mortar into the crevices. You must use the flat section of the trowel and keep excess mortar from building outside of the crevice. You need joints that are smooth and level vertically and horizontally.

You are now ready to take the contrasting putty and create the intricate fillets through the centermost part of the mortar crevice. You need a very steady hand, and the ability to determine if your line is perfectly straight.

Tuckpointing can be done by do-it-yourself homeowners if you are really sure of your abilities. Tuckpointing effects can be ruined if the fillet line is crooked, too wide, not uniform or the wrong color. This process is also ineffective if the mortar is not a perfect match to the brick, and if the mortar is not flush inside the crevice.

If you want more details about this, or you want to talk to a professional in the St. Louis area about this mortar process, contact the professionals at Marlon Tuckpointing LLC. They can be reached at 314-496-9067 or visit their website at ,

Tuckpointing 101: 5 essential things you need to know

Masonry items, such as block, stone, or brick, can last up to 100 years with virtually no maintenance. However, the mortar joints can present damage if these are exposed to harsh weather conditions –even if the bricks are in excellent shape. If the mortar shows cracks or detriment due to water exposure, it needs to be repaired. The most common and efficient way to do it is by Tuckpointing. If you’re not familiar with the term, don’t worry. Here’s a crash course:

1.      What is Tuckpointing?

It is a technique used to repair mortar joints in stone or bricks and to enhance the appearance of masonry. The process consists of grinding the deteriorated mortar and filling in with new material. The new mortar must match the color of the bricks; then, a thin line of putty is applied in the center of the joint. This layer has a contrasting color against the bricks. The technique gives the impression of well-maintained, delicate, and narrow joints made. 

2.      When should you Tuckpoint?

Here’s a simple test you can do. Take a regular key and stroke the mortar joint. If the masonry is in good shape, the rubbing will not scratch it at all. But, if the scratching releases powdered material, then you need to repair it. You can either perform this basic test or call an expert for a more professional evaluation. Remember, tuckpointing is also used for cosmetic purposes. It is used widely on historic brick homes; the technique helps recapture the home’s original appearance. 

3.      What happens if I don’t Tuckpoint?

When the technique is appropriately applied, the mortar joints become relatively waterproof. It increases the life of your walls. On the contrary, weakened or deteriorated mortar allows moisture and humidity to infiltrate the brick or stone masonry. If the moisture gets behind the wall, the problem will be much severe. In the worst cases, the only fix will be to tear the wall down. By not tuckpointing on time, you will lose time and money. 

4.      Is there a point where it is too late to Tuckpoint?

Unfortunately, yes. Loose masonry units –stone or bricks –mean bad news. If your situation gets to this point, the only way to fix it is to pull down the masonry wall and build it again. In terms of money, there is no comparison between doing this final solution and Tuckpointing on time. 

5.      Can I prevent mortar deterioration?

The lifespan of mortar joints is around 30 years. The wear and tear obey to different causes. We mentioned moisture but also erosion from exposure to extreme temperatures, low-quality craft, or even pressure from the weight of the masonry. Mortar joints are the weakest part of a wall; inevitably, you will eventually have to maintain and repair. 

Although labor-extensive, Tuckpointing is an efficient, effective, cost-worthy technique to keep your masonry walls and chimneys in optimal condition.